Ok, so here are some random thoughts and things about my Kindle after a couple months of daily usage;
- Selection limited for South African's - don't believe the huge library/literature/book download/availability bragging
- ie I can't download Wired magazine (not allowed) or purchase most books in the tech genre
- South African local content non-existing
- Content management is flawed - a lot of content comes across formatted incorrectly
- Connectivity in SA pathetic - signal loss means no newspaper (and other daily's) updates
- Clippings possible but not granular enough and the management, review of clippings difficult to navigate and manage
- Newspaper and Mags update erratically and without limited notification or tracking
- Keyboard difficult to type on
- Four point "mouse" quick but feels restricted
- e-ink easy on eyes but the plastic screen cover reflects overhead lighting (glare)
- Content still feels static and limited - it's a simple port of offline content onto an electronic medium
- I've already bought so many books I'm yet to read - would be great if I could download those onto Kindle at no cost
- Connectivity slow which results in screen display render being slow and frustrating
- Tendency to freeze/hang periodically
- Amazon's social online destination for Kindle owners is so lame...
- Beta web browser on Kindle a joke
- Device feels delicate and screen easily scratched
- Search sucks and not accurate - the results often hidden if you don't know exactly what you want
- Kindle device "Home" page layout needs work - simply listing things sequentially and page by page is archiac
- Blogs not accessible to South Africa users
What I like;
- Instant gratification
- Ease of purchase - 1-click purchase simply awesome!
- Archiving older subscription based publications I missed
- Memory of where I was even though I navigated away
- e-ink is just like paper and easy on eyes
- Navigating through news sections efficient (but I'd like each article title to have a relevant blurb that makes better sense to the relevance and subject matter of the hyperlink)
- Form factor allows me to carry an entire bookcase without the burden of lugging a tree trunk in my bag
- Bookmarking easy
- Battery life
- Amazon's huge book selection
- Screensavers/hibernate displays are cool
- Digital text platform - dtp.amazon.com - allows others to sell their books on the Kindle
- Self publishing via third party
Summary: with all it's quirks, it still works awesomely well and has become a complete substitute...so much so that it's extremely frustrating that I can't do more with it or get more on it. There are so so many possibilities with this product/platform. I think it's expensive and I think it's inevitable that we'll see the free Kindle on a 2 year plan...just like a mobile phone...(it costs half the price of a blackberry so why not?)
What I would love;
- A Kindle for my kids - colourful...with access to only kids content (ie all archie comics) - my 9 year old would eat it up!
- Granular, per article subscription
- Touch screen with multitouch
- Better caching of amazon titles - why not store all titles local so we don't have to go online to search
- Broader SA/local content - deal with Naspers?
- Better search and navigation
- Ability to browse better
- Facebook friend connect for Kindle - imagine!
- Kindle application marketplace - therefore Kindle content needs to be completely open and free?
- Instant messaging and twitter enablement?
- Blackberry type keyboard
- Home page look and feel makeover
- Phone calls on my Kindle? - skype + webcam please?
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