* -Real time- enterprises
* True "cloud computing" applications and businesses (models)
* The elastic cloud
* Future of the visual web - new data to human and data to data interaction methods coming up...
* New energy sources - lots has happened since I last blogged about renewable energy; check it out
* Credit crunch - where to from here and the net result is the socializing of the entire global financial backbone and a couple of the largest car manufacturers... (Like the Premiere League being sold out to oil money magnates since the West and the Russians are crunched - Ha!)
* Great websites and simple principles to ensure an awesome web property - why do keep getting this wrong here in SA?
* 2010 World Cup - if I had the time to initiate these simple startups ;-)
* What happens when you have not flown a microlight in a while...and then you do ;-o
* Amazon.com amazed me from the day it IPO'd - Dave Nelson my dearest friend...we bet on the share price of Yahoo! versus Amazon.com...you owe me so huge ;-) Remember when I was telling everyone that Jeff wasn't on about selling books...the presentation I did in 2000; "The business you are in, is not necessarily the business you'll be in tomorrow"...LOL, dreamy!!
* Update on the diving side of life - close encounter with 50 million years of evolution versus NONE (me)
* Is it going to be the network carrier or the next gen WASPS or the handset manufacturers or the banks or the pre-pay folks or the ISV's or just little Joe Bloggs...that'll create the real mobile killer data app?
* Telepresence + verbose telemetry + biokinetics + the singularity...dreamy :)
* Starting a MPL to PPL grants fund for underprivileged kids in 2009 - lets make them fly to give them a different perspective!
P.S. Started reading this book since watching Obama and listening to everyone talk about Martin Luther King jr...and not knowing too much about the man - on pg 73 right now and it's got me!
This should keep me blogging for a while...
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