I whispered in her ear, a little silly daddy/daughter joke...the tears stopped. I then tickled her a little in her neck...she tried holding it back but out came that familiar signature "Amber giggle". I made Milo walk around and tell her something that finally made that silly Amber smile dawn on her face.
She was over the sadness and now back to being bubbly and crazy and...well...being Amber.
Before I left the room I hugged her and kissed her neck...she cringed away, giggling, cause she's so ticklish there... I looked her in the eye, asked her if she was now ok...she nodded, eyes still brimming and moist with tears shed, and again that silly smile emerged.
Then I turned to leave the room...but her little hand grabbed my shoulder...and what happened was something that may seem so insignificant...so nothing...so stupid...so immaterial;
Turned and leaned my chest against the upper bed's rail... Amber cupped my face with her tiny hands...brought her face right up close to mine...and she said in the most mature and sincere manner and tone, "Daddy, I like it so much when you make me happy and smile when I am sad"...then gave me a pouted...smuggy and lippy...kiss...and then grabbed my head and hugged it so tightly...and when done she just immediately focused all her attention back onto Milo the bear.
Maybe I sound pathetic... but it was a moment that as her daddy...I will never ever forget...ever!
I love you Amber...and...if you only knew how much I like it when you make me happy and smile when daddy is sad ;-)
...stuff that truly matters!
and only if you're a daddy, will you EVER be able to understand just how much these moments mean....just how much these moments burn in your heart when you're not around them....and just how special it makes a daddy feel when this moment occurs...in the end, it's all that truly matters!
Absolutely Nigel! Glad to see you're still reading the posts even though I went quiet ;-)
Children are the stuff that truly matters ... in my life, right now!!!
Lovely post!
A very special post! Now that the Stafford I remember. We miss you all so much. Please come for a visit (a long visit). We have an open door policy for the Masie family.
I have saved a special song only for you and Michell and haven't sang it since you left. "Alabaster box". I'm trusting it will soon be time to sing it. But face-to-face to all of you.
If you aren't aware, Scott and friends will be in RSA on 28Mar - 06Apr. I hope he will get to see you.
Shalom Alechiem!
Thanks for the comments everyone ;-) Sis Ella, hopefully we'll see you all some time this year still... Getting things sorted... Little by little...
precious moments!
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