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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Verbatim - "I am a city a platform!"

Here's that quote I typed verbatim and used in my TEDx presso : “City wide REALTIME sensory blankets...not just broadband or wifi blanketing; Let's do REALTIME sensory blanketing. i.e. let's inject verbiage into every object of relevance in our cities... Allow our cities to speak back at us... Change our cities from beautiful mutes we observe with awe and wonder through virtual glass windows and ceilings... to geospatial & logistically verbose and dynamic sensory platforms articulating beautiful messages into our REALTIME SENSORY AWARE hacks of correlation...” ...hey it was around 3am when I scribbled it ;)

Why/How :

*Africa can lead here...we have no legacy!

*Ask/Action : open ecosystems...GOV 2.0... Start basic... Inject intelligence into everything... Meta language definitions for our continent... Expose rich Api's and taxonomies... Create app store modeling and execution...

Targets: transit feeds + healthcare + traffic + mobile companies (they have the herding data - use Vodafone example)

Let's start now! Let's get the support... Let establish two things now: "" and "code for africa"...technologist who give a year of their lives...

Let's establish participatory frameworks... Africa needs this more...

Africa has quicker wins... Africa has hackers...

*if we can organize around legislative common frameworks and taxonomy

... Why can't we (CITIZENS...NOT GOVERNMENT) do this?

*All geospatial data public...all city base map data public...all sensory networks public and have an api...

I am a city a platform!


Dries said...

I remember. And it was AWESOME!

Victor said...

Talk was great! Only wanted to hear more than there was time for. Do you think you'll have the time to elaborate on some of these ideas? What are the implications of setting these frameworks up? said...

Thanks Dried :)

Victor, I should blog more :( Promise I'll elaborate more in a future post... Cheers!